Friday, January 24, 2014

January 24

On my trip to Washington DC this week, I had the incredible experience of being able to go to the National Holocaust Museum. The displays, videos, and photographs spoke volumes to my soul about the suffering and loss that was endured at that time. It so happened that the same day I visited the museum was also Martian Luther King Jr. day. The downtown area was crowded with people celebrating Dr. King and the civil rights movement. These events got me thinking about how our world’s history is peppered with events that parallel these two; Situations in which one group is singled out and oppressed. As a race, human beings are consistently trying to dehumanize another group of our own. The holocaust, slavery, sex trafficking, and the trail of tears are just a few examples. These issues may not seem relevant to you and your life, but consider this quote from a Lutheran Pastor who was living at the time of the Holocaust. “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me” It is imperative that when we stand up for the injustices that are occurring around us, and I think that the largest injustice of our generation and time is the issue of abortion. Once again, we are singling out a group of people and making any excuse we can to strip them of their personhood. We can call it anything we want, but the bottom line is that we are systematically killing our young. Over one third of my generation is not living today, because of this genocide. There are hundreds of arguments made to support people’s right to an abortion, but let me say this: If we are right in our arguments, this will be the one time in our world’s history that was are justified in the
intentional extermination of a group of human beings. Race, gender, religion, or even level of development are beside the point. Back in the time of slavery, slave owners felt justified in owning and mistreating slaves. During the Holocaust, Nazis felt justified in torturing and killing millions of their own people. They achieved this by dehumanizing those they were targeting. Now, years after the fact, we have realized the horror of our actions, but there is no way to take them back. As one former fetus to another I ask you this: what side do you want to be on when our nation finally wakes up and realizes we are killing our children? It is so important that we inform women about the other options and resources available, and take the time to be a friend to and speak of the love and forgiveness of Christ to women who have already been affected by abortion.

Daily Thanks: Today I am so thankful for the chance to go to our nation’s capital and be part of a revolution for life!

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