Friday, October 18, 2013

October 18

Today I am reminded of how fragile life is. I cannot describe how important it is to let those around you know how much they mean to you, and to live each day to the full and without fear. This life is precious and so short and none of us know what day will be our last. God has blessed all of us with unimaginable gifts and talents, and it is never too late to start using them. I believe that each and every one of us has been placed on this earth with a purpose, not to be ordinary, but to be extraordinary. Being extraordinary does not mean that you have to be a hero or change the world; it can simply mean that you live each day with purpose and with the good of others in mind. Try new things daily, take pleasure in the small stuff, laugh often, live passionately, and surround yourself with the people that make it all worthwhile.
Daily thanks: Today I am thankful for my beautiful Emily who is patient and gracious enough to teach me guitar, for a best friend who is my guardian angel, and for roomies who make this college town feel like home.
How will you make today extraordinary?

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